Contractors and Trades
Please click on a heading to view the associated contractors.
Blue Print and House Design
ph: 780-645-5263 | f: 780-614-2198
Cold Lake Alberta
ph: 780-639-2800 | f: 780-639-4700
9140 - 118 Avenue | Edmonton Alberta
ph: 780-479-4317
8730 - 99 Avenue | Fort Sask Alberta | T8L 2Y5
ph: 780-916-8330 | f: 780-998-7172
ph: 780-646-0986
Universal Consulting Group.Ltd.
Lloydminister Albertaph: 780-875-7550 | f: 780-875-7862
ph: 780-210-0953
ph: 780-614-8714
ph: 780-635-2474
Busy Bee Electrician - Tony Gratton
ph: 780-635-2490
Darrel's Electric - Darrel Knapp
ph: 780-635-2634
ph: 780-645-2859
Piquette Electric - Curtis Piquette
ph: 780-826-8572
Exterior Finishing
ph: 780-635-2687
ph: 780-635-4956
ph: 780-726-2618 | f: 780-614-0713
ph: 780-210-0976
ph: 780-201-6929
Alan Christensen/ Maurice Mahe
ph: 780-635-2687
CB & M Homestead - Claude Brousseau
ph: 780-635-2527
ph: 780-635-4164
ph: 780-726-2618 | f: 780-614-0713
ph: 780-645-4893
ph: 780-210-0976
Marie Ange Projects - Paul St. Arnault
ph: 1-888-850-1982
ph: 780-726-3815
General Contractors
ph: 780-635-2687
ph: 780-635-2676
ph: 780-635-4956
ph: 780-207-1195
HIS Construction - Owen Isaacson
ph: 780-635-2473
ph: 780-614-0713
Klymax Construction - Ron Martin
ph: 780-210-0975
Langevin Construction - Leonce Langevin
ph: 780-645-6919
ph: 780-645-4893
ph: 780-210-0976
Loughram Homes - Kerry Loughram
ph: 780-645-5054
Medallion Construction - Gilles
ph: 780-201-6929
Piquette Holdings - Ernie Piquette
ph: 780-645-6926
| 780-646-2490
ph: 780-614-1952
ph: 780-635-2474
ph: 780-635-2441
ph: 780-614-0170
ph: 780-645-1275
Lakeland Plumbing - Staceu Yaceyko
ph: 780-645-3540
ph: 780-632-2230
Sundt Plumbing and Heating - Ron Sundt
ph: 780-645-1275
Vegreville Plumbing and Heating
ph: 780-632-2275
ph: 780-635-3783
ph: 780-645-0943
Loughram Homes - Kerry Loughram
ph: 780-645-2729
Perch Lake Roofing - Trevor Schaub
ph: 780-645-1445
Siding and Decks
Alan Christensen / Maurice Mahe
ph: 780-635-2687
ph: 780-635-4164
ph: 7810-645-0943
ph: 780-210-0976
The Renovators - Laurent Amyotte
ph: 780-635-2365